2 Koppies Bruismeel
175 gr botter / margarien
350 ml Drinking Joghurt
Vryf die botter in die meel in tot dit goed gemeng is en soos broodkrummels lyk
Meng die Joghurt in
Dit is 'n sagte deeg maar moenie aan jou hande vassit nie
Rol uit en druk jou doughnuts uit
Bak in warm olie
Maak sjokolade versiersel oor
Bron: Maryke Collins / LR
Plasing & Vertaling: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
2 Koppies Bruismeel
175 gr botter / margarien
350 ml Drinking Joghurt
Vryf die botter in die meel in tot dit goed gemeng is en soos broodkrummels lyk
Meng die Joghurt in
Dit is 'n sagte deeg maar moenie aan jou hande vassit nie
Rol uit en druk jou doughnuts uit
Bak in warm olie
Maak sjokolade versiersel oor
Bron: Maryke Collins / LR
Plasing & Vertaling: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Die het ons op hotelskool geleer ..
5 koppie koekmeel
10 ml sout
I pakkie kits gis
50 ml stroop
1 koppie kookwater
1 koppie kouewater
80 ml kookolie
Meng droë bestandele
Los stroop op in koppie kookwater
Klits olie by en voeg dan koue water by die kookwater en stroop ,olie oplossing.
Voeg droe bestandele by vloeistof en meng tot deeg vorm en knie tot elasties
Plaas sakkie oor oppervkak wat met biki olie gesmeer is en laat rus tot dubbel volume .
Knie af en sny met doughnutcutter in sirkels. Bedek met klam doekie,
Laat weer verdubbel in volume en bak in warm kookolie.
Bron: Ancoise Strydom
Foto: Joey Kruger
5 koppie koekmeel
10 ml sout
I pakkie kits gis
50 ml stroop
1 koppie kookwater
1 koppie kouewater
80 ml kookolie
Meng droë bestandele
Los stroop op in koppie kookwater
Klits olie by en voeg dan koue water by die kookwater en stroop ,olie oplossing.
Voeg droe bestandele by vloeistof en meng tot deeg vorm en knie tot elasties
Plaas sakkie oor oppervkak wat met biki olie gesmeer is en laat rus tot dubbel volume .
Knie af en sny met doughnutcutter in sirkels. Bedek met klam doekie,
Laat weer verdubbel in volume en bak in warm kookolie.
Bron: Ancoise Strydom
Foto: Joey Kruger
110g (200ml) Bruismeel
20g (25ml) strooisuiker
Knippie sout
1 eier, geklits
125ml (1/2 kop) melk
Olie om in te braai
Ekstra strooisuiker
Sif die droe bestandele saam en voeg die eier en melk by.
Meng goed om ‘n gladde beslag te vorm.
Verhit genoeg olie in ‘n kastrol en drup lepelsvol van die beslag in die warm olie wanneer mooi bruin van buite en gaar van binne.
Rol in die strooisuiker terwyl dit nog warm is.
Dreineer eers vining op handdoekpapier.
Lewer ongeveer 10 oliebolle.
Bron: Huisgenoot Wenresepte nr.4
110g (200ml) Bruismeel
20g (25ml) strooisuiker
Knippie sout
1 eier, geklits
125ml (1/2 kop) melk
Olie om in te braai
Ekstra strooisuiker
Sif die droe bestandele saam en voeg die eier en melk by.
Meng goed om ‘n gladde beslag te vorm.
Verhit genoeg olie in ‘n kastrol en drup lepelsvol van die beslag in die warm olie wanneer mooi bruin van buite en gaar van binne.
Rol in die strooisuiker terwyl dit nog warm is.
Dreineer eers vining op handdoekpapier.
Lewer ongeveer 10 oliebolle.
Bron: Huisgenoot Wenresepte nr.4
Klassieke brioche
Dié botterverrykte broodjie, ’n eg Franse gunsteling, is heerlik vars en maak ook fantastiese roosterbrood.
Genoeg vir: 2 brioche-brode of ’n hele spul brioche-oliebolle
Bereidingstyd: 40 minute, plus rystyd
Oondtemperatuur: 200 °C
500 g meel
10 ml sout
10 g kitsgis
70 ml warm melk
6 eiers
350 g botter
30 g tuisgemaakte vanieljesuiker
Sif die meel en sout saam in die bak van ’n elektriese menger.
Maak ’n holte in die middel en gooi die gis en warm melk daarin.
Laat staan vir 3 minute of tot die gis bruis.
Klik die deeghaak in die menger, voeg die eiers by die meel en meng vinnig vir 10 minute.
Room intussen die botter en vanieljesuiker.
Na 10 minute se meng kan jy die geroomde botter lepel vir lepel byvoeg; meng goed ná elke byvoeging.
Hou aan meng vir nog 5 minute nadat al die botter ingemeng is.
Haal die bak van die menger af en bedek dit met gesmeerde kleefplastiek. Laat staan vir sowat 4 uur op ’n warm plek om te rys.
Keer die deeg op ’n skoon oppervlak uit en druk dit ’n paar keer plat.
Sit die deeg nou in ’n gesmeerde mengbak, bedek weer met gesmeerde kleefplastiek en los oornag in die yskas. (Omdat brioche so ’n sagte deeg is, vorm dit makliker wanneer dit koud is.)
Rol die brioche-deeg op ’n meelbestrooide oppervlak uit tot ’n dikte van sowat 1,5 cm. Gebruik ’n ronde koekiesnyer van 10 cm om oliebolle uit te sny en gebruik dan ’n klein1,5 cm-snyer om die gaatjie uit te sny.
Rol ook dié deeg in ’n balletjie om te braai – die kombinasie van ringe en balletjies lyk alte mooi.
Pak nou versigtig die uitgedrukte vorms op ’n gesmeerde bakplaat en laat rus vir sowat 20 minute.
Hulle sal effens oppof namate hulle rys.
Diepbraai die ringe en bolletjies in warm olie teen 180 °C as jy ’n termometer het, of toets met ’n broodblokkie (wanneer die blokkie brood vinnig na die oppervlak styg en in ’n goudbruin kleur verander, is die olie reg). Braai net ’n paar oliebolle op ’n slag en dreineer dit op kombuispapier. Rol die oliebolle in fyn vanieljesuiker terwyl dit nog warm is (die deeg op sy eie is nie juis soet nie).
WENK: Meng 150 ml versiersuiker met 5 ml vanieljegeursel en genoeg water om ’n loperige glansversiersel te maak en bedruip die warm oliebolle daarmee.
Bron: Tuis Mobi
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Klassieke brioche
Dié botterverrykte broodjie, ’n eg Franse gunsteling, is heerlik vars en maak ook fantastiese roosterbrood.
Genoeg vir: 2 brioche-brode of ’n hele spul brioche-oliebolle
Bereidingstyd: 40 minute, plus rystyd
Oondtemperatuur: 200 °C
500 g meel
10 ml sout
10 g kitsgis
70 ml warm melk
6 eiers
350 g botter
30 g tuisgemaakte vanieljesuiker
Sif die meel en sout saam in die bak van ’n elektriese menger.
Maak ’n holte in die middel en gooi die gis en warm melk daarin.
Laat staan vir 3 minute of tot die gis bruis.
Klik die deeghaak in die menger, voeg die eiers by die meel en meng vinnig vir 10 minute.
Room intussen die botter en vanieljesuiker.
Na 10 minute se meng kan jy die geroomde botter lepel vir lepel byvoeg; meng goed ná elke byvoeging.
Hou aan meng vir nog 5 minute nadat al die botter ingemeng is.
Haal die bak van die menger af en bedek dit met gesmeerde kleefplastiek. Laat staan vir sowat 4 uur op ’n warm plek om te rys.
Keer die deeg op ’n skoon oppervlak uit en druk dit ’n paar keer plat.
Sit die deeg nou in ’n gesmeerde mengbak, bedek weer met gesmeerde kleefplastiek en los oornag in die yskas. (Omdat brioche so ’n sagte deeg is, vorm dit makliker wanneer dit koud is.)
Rol die brioche-deeg op ’n meelbestrooide oppervlak uit tot ’n dikte van sowat 1,5 cm. Gebruik ’n ronde koekiesnyer van 10 cm om oliebolle uit te sny en gebruik dan ’n klein1,5 cm-snyer om die gaatjie uit te sny.
Rol ook dié deeg in ’n balletjie om te braai – die kombinasie van ringe en balletjies lyk alte mooi.
Pak nou versigtig die uitgedrukte vorms op ’n gesmeerde bakplaat en laat rus vir sowat 20 minute.
Hulle sal effens oppof namate hulle rys.
Diepbraai die ringe en bolletjies in warm olie teen 180 °C as jy ’n termometer het, of toets met ’n broodblokkie (wanneer die blokkie brood vinnig na die oppervlak styg en in ’n goudbruin kleur verander, is die olie reg). Braai net ’n paar oliebolle op ’n slag en dreineer dit op kombuispapier. Rol die oliebolle in fyn vanieljesuiker terwyl dit nog warm is (die deeg op sy eie is nie juis soet nie).
WENK: Meng 150 ml versiersuiker met 5 ml vanieljegeursel en genoeg water om ’n loperige glansversiersel te maak en bedruip die warm oliebolle daarmee.
Bron: Tuis Mobi
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Die geure van crème brûlée word in die vulsel van die doughnut gebruik – heerlik.
Genoeg vir 15
1 x 10 g-pakkie kitssuurdeeg
35 g (40 ml) strooisuiker
190 ml louwarm water
1 eier
5 ml sout
125 ml ingedampte melk
490 g (875 ml) koekmeel
30 ml gesmelte botter
750 ml sonneblomolie vir braai
250 ml room
250 ml melk
80 g (100 ml) suiker
6 eiergele
20 g (35 ml) koekmeel
5 ml vanieljepoeier
100 g (125 ml) suiker
20 ml water
Gooi suurdeeg en suiker in ’n mengbak. Voeg water by en laat staan 10 minute. Klits eier, sout en ingedampte melk saam in ’n ander mengbak. Voeg eiermengsel by suurdeeg-mengsel en meng goed. Voeg helfte van meel by en meng goed. Voeg gesmelte botter by en meng deur. Voeg res van meel by en meng goed deur. Die deeg is taamlik klam. Plaas op meelbestrooide oppervlak en knie sowat 10 minute. Smeer ’n mengbak met bietjie olie en plaas deeg in bak. Maak toe met kleefplastiek en laat rys op ’n warm plek tot dubbel die volume (sommer in jou mikrogolfoond). Maak intussen die vulsel. Verhit room en melk saam tot net voor kookpunt in ’n kastrol. Klits suiker, eiergele, meel en vanielje saam tot lig. Voeg klein bietjie van warm roommengsel by eiermengsel en meng goed. Gooi nou die eiermengsel by res van roommengsel in die kastrol. Plaas terug op stoofplaat oor lae hitte. Roer deurentyd om te keer dat die eier gaar word. Bly roer tot mengsel lekker dik vla word. Haal af van hitte en gooi vla uit in ’n skoon mengbak. Laat afkoel en plaas in yskas tot benodig. Wanneer die deeg tot dubbel sy volume gerys het, keer dit uit op meel-bestrooide oppervlak. Gooi nog meel op deeg voor jy dit uitrol. Knie deeg af en rol dan uit tot so 1 cm dik. Gebruik ’n koekiedrukker van sowat 6 cm in deursnee en druk sirkels uit. Verhit die sonneblomolie in ’n kastrol. Toets eers die olie met ’n stukkie afvaldeeg – dit moet stadig bruin braai. As die olie te warm is, sal die doughnut buite baie gou bruin braai terwyl dit nog rou is binne. Braai die doughnuts (nie almal op een slag nie) tot mooi goudbruin en dreineer op kombuispapier. Laat doughnuts heeltemal afkoel. Plaas suiker en water in ’n diep pan om karamel te maak. Sit pan op matige hitte op stoofplaat en moet glad nie roer nie. Laat suiker smelt en kook tot karamel vorm. Doop die bokant van elke doughnut in die karamel. Maak ’n klein snytjie aan die kant. Vul ’n spuitsak met vulsel en spuit vulsel in elke doughnut.
Bron: Sarie
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Die geure van crème brûlée word in die vulsel van die doughnut gebruik – heerlik.
Genoeg vir 15
1 x 10 g-pakkie kitssuurdeeg
35 g (40 ml) strooisuiker
190 ml louwarm water
1 eier
5 ml sout
125 ml ingedampte melk
490 g (875 ml) koekmeel
30 ml gesmelte botter
750 ml sonneblomolie vir braai
250 ml room
250 ml melk
80 g (100 ml) suiker
6 eiergele
20 g (35 ml) koekmeel
5 ml vanieljepoeier
100 g (125 ml) suiker
20 ml water
Gooi suurdeeg en suiker in ’n mengbak. Voeg water by en laat staan 10 minute. Klits eier, sout en ingedampte melk saam in ’n ander mengbak. Voeg eiermengsel by suurdeeg-mengsel en meng goed. Voeg helfte van meel by en meng goed. Voeg gesmelte botter by en meng deur. Voeg res van meel by en meng goed deur. Die deeg is taamlik klam. Plaas op meelbestrooide oppervlak en knie sowat 10 minute. Smeer ’n mengbak met bietjie olie en plaas deeg in bak. Maak toe met kleefplastiek en laat rys op ’n warm plek tot dubbel die volume (sommer in jou mikrogolfoond). Maak intussen die vulsel. Verhit room en melk saam tot net voor kookpunt in ’n kastrol. Klits suiker, eiergele, meel en vanielje saam tot lig. Voeg klein bietjie van warm roommengsel by eiermengsel en meng goed. Gooi nou die eiermengsel by res van roommengsel in die kastrol. Plaas terug op stoofplaat oor lae hitte. Roer deurentyd om te keer dat die eier gaar word. Bly roer tot mengsel lekker dik vla word. Haal af van hitte en gooi vla uit in ’n skoon mengbak. Laat afkoel en plaas in yskas tot benodig. Wanneer die deeg tot dubbel sy volume gerys het, keer dit uit op meel-bestrooide oppervlak. Gooi nog meel op deeg voor jy dit uitrol. Knie deeg af en rol dan uit tot so 1 cm dik. Gebruik ’n koekiedrukker van sowat 6 cm in deursnee en druk sirkels uit. Verhit die sonneblomolie in ’n kastrol. Toets eers die olie met ’n stukkie afvaldeeg – dit moet stadig bruin braai. As die olie te warm is, sal die doughnut buite baie gou bruin braai terwyl dit nog rou is binne. Braai die doughnuts (nie almal op een slag nie) tot mooi goudbruin en dreineer op kombuispapier. Laat doughnuts heeltemal afkoel. Plaas suiker en water in ’n diep pan om karamel te maak. Sit pan op matige hitte op stoofplaat en moet glad nie roer nie. Laat suiker smelt en kook tot karamel vorm. Doop die bokant van elke doughnut in die karamel. Maak ’n klein snytjie aan die kant. Vul ’n spuitsak met vulsel en spuit vulsel in elke doughnut.
Bron: Sarie
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Ancoise het net die Tiemie uitgelaat en Vanilla ingesit en dis nou tussen 'n vetkoekie en 'n doughnut...
2 k Koekmeel.
1/3 k Suiker
1/4 k Olie.
3/4k Melk
1 Eier.
1 t Sout
3 t Bakpoeier.
Tiemie (droee)
Meng melk,olie,eier en suiker
Voeg mengsel by droee bestanddele
Roer en meng deeglik
Bak in diep olie wat vooraf verhit is teelepels gewys tot ligbruin
NOTA: Soos jy bak kan plaat bietjie afgestel word
Plaas in bak met deksel op om sag te bly
Kan 2weke en langer hou in yskas
Ek het ongelukkig nie nou 'n foto nie
Bron: Eie Resep
Foto: Ancoise Strydom
Ancoise het net die Tiemie uitgelaat en Vanilla ingesit en dis nou tussen 'n vetkoekie en 'n doughnut...
2 k Koekmeel.
1/3 k Suiker
1/4 k Olie.
3/4k Melk
1 Eier.
1 t Sout
3 t Bakpoeier.
Tiemie (droee)
Meng melk,olie,eier en suiker
Voeg mengsel by droee bestanddele
Roer en meng deeglik
Bak in diep olie wat vooraf verhit is teelepels gewys tot ligbruin
NOTA: Soos jy bak kan plaat bietjie afgestel word
Plaas in bak met deksel op om sag te bly
Kan 2weke en langer hou in yskas
Ek het ongelukkig nie nou 'n foto nie
Bron: Eie Resep
Foto: Ancoise Strydom
(24 doughnuts)
140 g (250 ml) koekmeel
15 ml bakpoeier
2 ml sout
5 ml vanieljegeursel
30 ml kanola-olie
2 eiers, geskei
150 ml melk
30 ml heuning
55 g (125 ml) strooisuiker
20 ml kaneel
Sif koekmeel, bakpoeier en sout saam in middelslagmengbak.
Meng vanielje, olie, eiergele, melk en heuning saam.
Voeg by droë bestanddele en meng goed met houtlepel.
Klits eierwitte tot sagte punte vorm.
Vou by mengsel in.
Verhit doughnut-pan tot warm. Spuit goed met kleefwerende kossproei.
Skep lepels vol van beslag in die pan en braai tot goudbruin en bros, sowat 3 – 5 minute.
Meng strooisuiker en kaneel saam. Rol warm doughnuts in suikermengsel.
Sit voor met jogurt van jou keuse.
As jy nie ’n doughnut-pan het nie, kan jy die oond verhit tot 220 ˚C.
Plaas ’n standaard-muffinpan daarin en maak warm vir 10 minute.
Verwyder uit oond en spuit goed met kleefwerende kossproei.
Skep dan 2 lepels van die beslag in elk van die 12 holtes van die pan en bak vir 5 – 8 minute.
Bron : Sarie Kos
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
140 g (250 ml) koekmeel
15 ml bakpoeier
2 ml sout
5 ml vanieljegeursel
30 ml kanola-olie
2 eiers, geskei
150 ml melk
30 ml heuning
55 g (125 ml) strooisuiker
20 ml kaneel
Sif koekmeel, bakpoeier en sout saam in middelslagmengbak.
Meng vanielje, olie, eiergele, melk en heuning saam.
Voeg by droë bestanddele en meng goed met houtlepel.
Klits eierwitte tot sagte punte vorm.
Vou by mengsel in.
Verhit doughnut-pan tot warm. Spuit goed met kleefwerende kossproei.
Skep lepels vol van beslag in die pan en braai tot goudbruin en bros, sowat 3 – 5 minute.
Meng strooisuiker en kaneel saam. Rol warm doughnuts in suikermengsel.
Sit voor met jogurt van jou keuse.
As jy nie ’n doughnut-pan het nie, kan jy die oond verhit tot 220 ˚C.
Plaas ’n standaard-muffinpan daarin en maak warm vir 10 minute.
Verwyder uit oond en spuit goed met kleefwerende kossproei.
Skep dan 2 lepels van die beslag in elk van die 12 holtes van die pan en bak vir 5 – 8 minute.
Bron : Sarie Kos
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
1 k Self Raising meel (Bruismeel)
1/4 k strooisuiker
Mespunt koeksoda
1 Eier, geklits
3/4 k Melk
20 g botter,gesmelt
Sif droë bestanddele
Klits Eier,botter en Melk
Meng in droë bestanddele
Laat beslag 10 Min Staan
Bak in jou doughnut maker
Resep: Uit die Doughnutmasjien boekie
Plasing & Foto: Frieda Greyling / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
NOTA VAN CHRISSIE: Wafel resep gebruik net bietjie meer melk by gevoeg en dounutsgemaak julle kan regtig probeer het my mini doughnut pannetjie gebruik ek hou regtig van die smaak
375 ml strooisuiker
450 gr sagte botter
3 ekstra groot eiers
45 ml melk
875 ml koekeel
1 t sout
2 t fyn kaneel
Meng bestandele tot ‘n sagte deeg en verdeel in 24 bolletjies.
Verhit wafelmaker en spuit met kleefwerende sproei.
Plaas 4 bolletjies ver uitmekaar op die plaat.
Maak toe en rooster tot gaar.
Haal uit en koel af,
Druk sirkels met koekiedrukker uit.
Smelt 60 ml stroop en 60 gr botter.
Smeer stroop op helfte van wafels en plaas ander helfte bo-op.
Bron: Radio Namakwaland
Foto: Chrissie Havlicek
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
NOTA VAN CHRISSIE: Wafel resep gebruik net bietjie meer melk by gevoeg en dounutsgemaak julle kan regtig probeer het my mini doughnut pannetjie gebruik ek hou regtig van die smaak
375 ml strooisuiker
450 gr sagte botter
3 ekstra groot eiers
45 ml melk
875 ml koekeel
1 t sout
2 t fyn kaneel
Meng bestandele tot ‘n sagte deeg en verdeel in 24 bolletjies.
Verhit wafelmaker en spuit met kleefwerende sproei.
Plaas 4 bolletjies ver uitmekaar op die plaat.
Maak toe en rooster tot gaar.
Haal uit en koel af,
Druk sirkels met koekiedrukker uit.
Smelt 60 ml stroop en 60 gr botter.
Smeer stroop op helfte van wafels en plaas ander helfte bo-op.
Bron: Radio Namakwaland
Foto: Chrissie Havlicek
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Hierdie ligte en donsige oliebolle is elke kaneelliefhebber se droom.
As jy ’n sjokolis is, kan jy dit in sjokolade doop vir ’n smelt in jou mond lekkerte.
Lewer 25
Gaarmaak: 15 min.
Bereiding: 10 min.
1 eier
80 ml (⅓ k) strooisuiker
125 ml (½ k) melk
500 ml (2 k) meel, gesif
2 ml (½ t) bakpoeier
olie vir diepbraai
kaneelsuiker vir bedek
Klits die eier en strooisuiker tot vaal.
Giet die melk in en klits tot gemeng.
Voeg die meel en bakpoeier geleidelik by.
Verhit olie oor matige hitte tot warm.
Voeg lepels vol van die beslag in sarsies by die warm olie en braai 3 minute of tot goudkleurig.
Skep met ’n gaatjieslepel uit en dreineer op papierhanddoek.
Terwyl die oliebolle nog warm is, rol dit in kaneelsuiker om te bedek.
Bron: Huisgenoot
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Hierdie ligte en donsige oliebolle is elke kaneelliefhebber se droom.
As jy ’n sjokolis is, kan jy dit in sjokolade doop vir ’n smelt in jou mond lekkerte.
Lewer 25
Gaarmaak: 15 min.
Bereiding: 10 min.
1 eier
80 ml (⅓ k) strooisuiker
125 ml (½ k) melk
500 ml (2 k) meel, gesif
2 ml (½ t) bakpoeier
olie vir diepbraai
kaneelsuiker vir bedek
Klits die eier en strooisuiker tot vaal.
Giet die melk in en klits tot gemeng.
Voeg die meel en bakpoeier geleidelik by.
Verhit olie oor matige hitte tot warm.
Voeg lepels vol van die beslag in sarsies by die warm olie en braai 3 minute of tot goudkleurig.
Skep met ’n gaatjieslepel uit en dreineer op papierhanddoek.
Terwyl die oliebolle nog warm is, rol dit in kaneelsuiker om te bedek.
Bron: Huisgenoot
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Lewer sowat 20
Bereidingtyd: 10 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: 25 minute
310 ml (1¼ k) meel
80 ml (⅓ k) suiker
10 ml (2 t) bakpoeier
2 ml (½ t) neutmuskaat
2 ml (½ t) kaneel
knippie sout
125 ml (½ k) melk
1 eier
30 ml (2 e) gesmelte botter
olie vir diepbraai
strooisuiker vir bedekking
aarbeikonfyt vir vul
1 Meng die meel, suiker, bakpoeier, neutmuskaat, kaneel en sout in ’n groot bak. Meng die melk, eier en botter in ’n beker. Giet oor die meelmengsel en klits tot goed gemeng. Verplaas na ’n spuitsak.
2 Maak ’n pot half vol olie vir diepbraai en verhit oor matige hitte. Wanneer die olie warm is, druk versigtig klein hoeveelhede van die deeg in die olie uit en braai 3 minute of tot goudkleurig en deurgaar.
3 Rol in die strooisuiker en sit eenkant om heeltemal af toe koel. Herhaal met die res van die deeg.
4 Wanneer die oliebolle afgekoel het, sny hulle in die middel oop en skep ’n bietjie aarbeikonfyt in.
Bron: Hope Malau
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Bereidingtyd: 10 minute
Gaarmaaktyd: 25 minute
310 ml (1¼ k) meel
80 ml (⅓ k) suiker
10 ml (2 t) bakpoeier
2 ml (½ t) neutmuskaat
2 ml (½ t) kaneel
knippie sout
125 ml (½ k) melk
1 eier
30 ml (2 e) gesmelte botter
olie vir diepbraai
strooisuiker vir bedekking
aarbeikonfyt vir vul
1 Meng die meel, suiker, bakpoeier, neutmuskaat, kaneel en sout in ’n groot bak. Meng die melk, eier en botter in ’n beker. Giet oor die meelmengsel en klits tot goed gemeng. Verplaas na ’n spuitsak.
2 Maak ’n pot half vol olie vir diepbraai en verhit oor matige hitte. Wanneer die olie warm is, druk versigtig klein hoeveelhede van die deeg in die olie uit en braai 3 minute of tot goudkleurig en deurgaar.
3 Rol in die strooisuiker en sit eenkant om heeltemal af toe koel. Herhaal met die res van die deeg.
4 Wanneer die oliebolle afgekoel het, sny hulle in die middel oop en skep ’n bietjie aarbeikonfyt in.
Bron: Hope Malau
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Maak: 18
Bereidingstyd: 45 minute, plus rys- en yskastyd
Gaarmaaktyd: omtrent 40 minute
• 820 ml (455g) witbroodmeel
• 70 ml (60g) suiker
• 10 ml (7g) droë kitsgis
• 170 ml melk teen kamertemperatuur
• 4 groot eiers, liggiesgeklits
• 100ml (110g) botter, saggemaak
• sonneblomolie vir diepbraai
• 960 ml (500g) versiersuiker, gesif
• pienk koskleursel
• koekstrooisels en-versierings
1 Sif die meel en 5 ml sout saam in ’n mengbak en meng die suiker en gis by. Klits die melk en eiers in ’n aparte bakkie saam met ’n vurk.
Maak ’n holte in die middel van die droë bestanddele en gooi die vloeistof daarin. Meng die droë bestanddele met ’n houtlepel van die kante af in.
2 Gooi die mengsel in ’n voedselverwerker en meng vir 10 minute teen ’n stadige spoed met die deeghaak. Dit sal nogal taai raak. Bedek met ’n klam vadoek en laat rys op ’n warm plek vir omtrent 11⁄2 uur of tot dubbel die volume. Knie die deeg af en werk dan die botter in die deeg in tot goed gemeng. Bedek en laat vir minstens vier uur of oornag in die yskas staan.
3 Haal die deeg uit die yskas en knie dit vir ’n paar minute. Rol dit tot omtrent 2,5 cm dik uit op ’n oppervlak waaroor jy liggies meel gesif het. Druk sirkels daaruit met ’n skon-koekiedrukker. Gebruik ’n kleiner koekiedrukker om ’n sirkel uit die middel van elke groter sirkel uit te druk. Herhaal met die res van die deeg. Pak die ringe op ’n gesmeerde bakplaat en los spasies tussenin vir rys. Laat rys teen kamertemperatuur vir 30 tot 45 minute of tot dubbel die volume.
4 Verhit die olie tot 180oC in ’n diepbraaier of middelslag-kastrol. Gebruik ’n olie- termometer om te kyk of die olie reg is, of gooi ’n blokkie witbrood daarin. As die brood binne 40 sekondes goudkleurig is, is die olie reg. Braai twee tot vier oliebolle op ’n slag tot goudkleurig en gaar. (Dit behoortongeveer vyf minute te duur.) Skep die oliebolle uit en dreineer dit op kombuispapier. Herhaal met die res van die oliebolle.
5 Pak die oliebolle op draadrakkies en laat heeltemal afkoel.
6 Versiersel Maak glaseerversiersel deur bietjies-bietjies warm water op ’n slag by die versiersuiker te meng tot dit glad en drupbaar is. Kleur dit verskillende skakerings van pienk en hou van die versiersel wit. Skep dit oor die oliebolle en laat dit oor die kante loop. Strooi die koekversierings oor en laat heeltemal stol.
Slim idee
Spaar tyd en bestel onversierde oliebolle by jou plaaslike bakkery. Jy kan dit dan net self versier.
Bron; Idees / Kos & Onthaal
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
Bereidingstyd: 45 minute, plus rys- en yskastyd
Gaarmaaktyd: omtrent 40 minute
• 820 ml (455g) witbroodmeel
• 70 ml (60g) suiker
• 10 ml (7g) droë kitsgis
• 170 ml melk teen kamertemperatuur
• 4 groot eiers, liggiesgeklits
• 100ml (110g) botter, saggemaak
• sonneblomolie vir diepbraai
• 960 ml (500g) versiersuiker, gesif
• pienk koskleursel
• koekstrooisels en-versierings
1 Sif die meel en 5 ml sout saam in ’n mengbak en meng die suiker en gis by. Klits die melk en eiers in ’n aparte bakkie saam met ’n vurk.
Maak ’n holte in die middel van die droë bestanddele en gooi die vloeistof daarin. Meng die droë bestanddele met ’n houtlepel van die kante af in.
2 Gooi die mengsel in ’n voedselverwerker en meng vir 10 minute teen ’n stadige spoed met die deeghaak. Dit sal nogal taai raak. Bedek met ’n klam vadoek en laat rys op ’n warm plek vir omtrent 11⁄2 uur of tot dubbel die volume. Knie die deeg af en werk dan die botter in die deeg in tot goed gemeng. Bedek en laat vir minstens vier uur of oornag in die yskas staan.
3 Haal die deeg uit die yskas en knie dit vir ’n paar minute. Rol dit tot omtrent 2,5 cm dik uit op ’n oppervlak waaroor jy liggies meel gesif het. Druk sirkels daaruit met ’n skon-koekiedrukker. Gebruik ’n kleiner koekiedrukker om ’n sirkel uit die middel van elke groter sirkel uit te druk. Herhaal met die res van die deeg. Pak die ringe op ’n gesmeerde bakplaat en los spasies tussenin vir rys. Laat rys teen kamertemperatuur vir 30 tot 45 minute of tot dubbel die volume.
4 Verhit die olie tot 180oC in ’n diepbraaier of middelslag-kastrol. Gebruik ’n olie- termometer om te kyk of die olie reg is, of gooi ’n blokkie witbrood daarin. As die brood binne 40 sekondes goudkleurig is, is die olie reg. Braai twee tot vier oliebolle op ’n slag tot goudkleurig en gaar. (Dit behoortongeveer vyf minute te duur.) Skep die oliebolle uit en dreineer dit op kombuispapier. Herhaal met die res van die oliebolle.
5 Pak die oliebolle op draadrakkies en laat heeltemal afkoel.
6 Versiersel Maak glaseerversiersel deur bietjies-bietjies warm water op ’n slag by die versiersuiker te meng tot dit glad en drupbaar is. Kleur dit verskillende skakerings van pienk en hou van die versiersel wit. Skep dit oor die oliebolle en laat dit oor die kante loop. Strooi die koekversierings oor en laat heeltemal stol.
Slim idee
Spaar tyd en bestel onversierde oliebolle by jou plaaslike bakkery. Jy kan dit dan net self versier.
Bron; Idees / Kos & Onthaal
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
2 cups cake flour
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
3/4 cup nonfat milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce
1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 cup powdered sugar
1 Tbsp nonfat milk
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Preheat your oven to 425 F(220°C).
In small saucepan over medium high heat, add blueberries, sugar and lemon juice.
Mash blueberries until only a few remain whole. Heat and stir until boiling.
Remove from heat and allow to cool and thicken; set aside.
In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
In a separate, medium bowl, whisk together yogurt, eggs, vanilla, milk and applesauce until fully incorporated.
Mix the wet ingredients into the dry.
Spray doughnut pan with non-stick spray, filling each cavity 1/2 to 3/4ths full of doughnut batter.
Dollop two to three tsp of blueberry jam on top doughnut batter in each doughnut pan cavity.
Using a knife swirl the jam into the doughnut batter. Bake in oven for 9 minutes, or until light golden brown.
Allow to cool on wire rack.In small bowl, whisk together the glaze ingredients.
Pour over each doughnut, or dunk tops of doughnuts into glaze and turn right side up to set.
Serve while still slightly warm.
Yield: 18 glazed doughnuts
Bron: Slice of Life
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
2 cups cake flour
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
3/4 cup nonfat milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce
1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 cup powdered sugar
1 Tbsp nonfat milk
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Preheat your oven to 425 F(220°C).
In small saucepan over medium high heat, add blueberries, sugar and lemon juice.
Mash blueberries until only a few remain whole. Heat and stir until boiling.
Remove from heat and allow to cool and thicken; set aside.
In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
In a separate, medium bowl, whisk together yogurt, eggs, vanilla, milk and applesauce until fully incorporated.
Mix the wet ingredients into the dry.
Spray doughnut pan with non-stick spray, filling each cavity 1/2 to 3/4ths full of doughnut batter.
Dollop two to three tsp of blueberry jam on top doughnut batter in each doughnut pan cavity.
Using a knife swirl the jam into the doughnut batter. Bake in oven for 9 minutes, or until light golden brown.
Allow to cool on wire rack.In small bowl, whisk together the glaze ingredients.
Pour over each doughnut, or dunk tops of doughnuts into glaze and turn right side up to set.
Serve while still slightly warm.
Yield: 18 glazed doughnuts
Bron: Slice of Life
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
18 Doughnuts
3 ½ cups flour
1 cup sugar
½ teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 ½ teaspoons nutmeg
¾ cup buttermilk
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
6 cups vegetable shortening for frying
3 cups powdered sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup cold water
Mix together 1 cup flour, the sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg in a large bowl.
Mix together butter, buttermilk, and eggs in a large measuring cup. Add the wet ingredients to the dry in the mixing bowl, and beat either using an electric mixer on medium speed or by hand until smooth. Decrease the speed to low, and add the remaining flour. Mix until just combined, making sure to scrape the edges to ensure that all the liquid is incorporated. The consistency should be somewhere between cookie dough and cake batter (moist and tacky).
Add the shortening to a large kettle and attach a candy thermometer to the side. Gradually heat the shortening over medium-high heat to 375F. While it's heating, turn the dough onto a floured work surface. Roll out with a heavily floured rolling pin until the dough is about 1/2" thick. Stamp out the dough rings with a donut cutter (or use two circle cutters with the second being about half the diameter of the larger one). Transfer the rounds to a large wire rack, gather the scraps, and repeat rolling and stamping until all the dough is used.
Carefully drop the dough rings into the hot oil four or five at a time. Use tongs to turn the donuts as they rise to the surface. Fry the donuts until they're golden brown, about 50 seconds per side. Drain on a paper towel-lined wire rack. Let the frying oil return to temperature before adding the next batch. Repeat until all the donuts are cooked.
For the glaze, mix together all the glaze ingredients in a mixing bowl until completely smooth.
Dip the cooked donuts into the glaze until about halfway submerged. Remove the donuts from the glaze, then return to the wire rack set over a baking sheet, allowing to cool on the dry side.
Serve warm if possible.
Bron: The Pioneer Woman / 12 Tomatoes
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
18 Doughnuts
3 ½ cups flour
1 cup sugar
½ teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 ½ teaspoons nutmeg
¾ cup buttermilk
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
6 cups vegetable shortening for frying
3 cups powdered sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup cold water
Mix together 1 cup flour, the sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg in a large bowl.
Mix together butter, buttermilk, and eggs in a large measuring cup. Add the wet ingredients to the dry in the mixing bowl, and beat either using an electric mixer on medium speed or by hand until smooth. Decrease the speed to low, and add the remaining flour. Mix until just combined, making sure to scrape the edges to ensure that all the liquid is incorporated. The consistency should be somewhere between cookie dough and cake batter (moist and tacky).
Add the shortening to a large kettle and attach a candy thermometer to the side. Gradually heat the shortening over medium-high heat to 375F. While it's heating, turn the dough onto a floured work surface. Roll out with a heavily floured rolling pin until the dough is about 1/2" thick. Stamp out the dough rings with a donut cutter (or use two circle cutters with the second being about half the diameter of the larger one). Transfer the rounds to a large wire rack, gather the scraps, and repeat rolling and stamping until all the dough is used.
Carefully drop the dough rings into the hot oil four or five at a time. Use tongs to turn the donuts as they rise to the surface. Fry the donuts until they're golden brown, about 50 seconds per side. Drain on a paper towel-lined wire rack. Let the frying oil return to temperature before adding the next batch. Repeat until all the donuts are cooked.
For the glaze, mix together all the glaze ingredients in a mixing bowl until completely smooth.
Dip the cooked donuts into the glaze until about halfway submerged. Remove the donuts from the glaze, then return to the wire rack set over a baking sheet, allowing to cool on the dry side.
Serve warm if possible.
Bron: The Pioneer Woman / 12 Tomatoes
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Donut Holes:
2 cups all purpose unbleached flour
1 cup apples, remove skin, cored, and grated
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk
2 eggs, room temperature
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
4 cups ghee or oil of choice (for frying)
In a medium bowl, combine 1/2 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Set aside.
Whisk milk and eggs together. In a large mixing bowl combine all the dry ingredients and apples. Make a well in the center and add the wet ingredients. Fold to form a batter.
Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pot over medium heat until it's hot. Drop teaspoonfuls of the batter into hot ghee (about 6 at a time). Fry until golden on all sides turning frequently (about 5 minutes). Remove donuts from the ghee with a slotted spoon. Drain on paper towels. Repeat process until all the batter is used up. When donuts are cool enough to handle but still warm, toss them in the cinnamon-sugar mixture to fully coat.
Raspberry Lemon Dipping Sauce:
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon zest
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Bring all the ingredients to a boil on medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until the sauce thickens.
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
2 cups all purpose unbleached flour
1 cup apples, remove skin, cored, and grated
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk
2 eggs, room temperature
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
4 cups ghee or oil of choice (for frying)
In a medium bowl, combine 1/2 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Set aside.
Whisk milk and eggs together. In a large mixing bowl combine all the dry ingredients and apples. Make a well in the center and add the wet ingredients. Fold to form a batter.
Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pot over medium heat until it's hot. Drop teaspoonfuls of the batter into hot ghee (about 6 at a time). Fry until golden on all sides turning frequently (about 5 minutes). Remove donuts from the ghee with a slotted spoon. Drain on paper towels. Repeat process until all the batter is used up. When donuts are cool enough to handle but still warm, toss them in the cinnamon-sugar mixture to fully coat.
Raspberry Lemon Dipping Sauce:
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon zest
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Bring all the ingredients to a boil on medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until the sauce thickens.
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
Original recipe makes 24 muffins
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup margarine, melted
3/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup margarine, melted
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Grease 24 mini-muffin cups.
Mix 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup margarine, and nutmeg in a large bowl. Stir in the milk, then mix in the baking powder and flour until just combined. Fill the prepared mini muffin cups about half full.
Bake in the preheated oven until the tops are lightly golden, 15 to 20 minutes.
While muffins are baking, place 1/4 cup of melted margarine in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix together 1/2 cup of sugar with the cinnamon. Remove muffins from their cups, dip each muffin in the melted margarine, and roll in the sugar-cinnamon mixture. Let cool and serve.
Bron: All Recipes
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Original recipe makes 24 muffins
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup margarine, melted
3/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup margarine, melted
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Grease 24 mini-muffin cups.
Mix 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup margarine, and nutmeg in a large bowl. Stir in the milk, then mix in the baking powder and flour until just combined. Fill the prepared mini muffin cups about half full.
Bake in the preheated oven until the tops are lightly golden, 15 to 20 minutes.
While muffins are baking, place 1/4 cup of melted margarine in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix together 1/2 cup of sugar with the cinnamon. Remove muffins from their cups, dip each muffin in the melted margarine, and roll in the sugar-cinnamon mixture. Let cool and serve.
Bron: All Recipes
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
500gr cake flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 packet instant yeast
1 egg
1 dessert spoon butter
pinch salt
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
750ml vegetable for frying
Dissolve sugar and butter in on cup boiling water. Cool down.
Add beaten egg, salt, vanilla essence and enough milk to make 1/2 litre liquid.
Combine flour and yeast in a mixing bowl. Add liquid and mix to a soft dough.
(The dough will be very soft)
Set aside covered until rise.
Divide dough into approx 25 small balls on a slightly oiled surface. Heat oil in large saucepan.
Once oil is hot gently pull each doughnut into an oblong shape and fry each side until browned. Drain on absorbent paper.
Boil together
500ml water and 250ml sugar until sugar has dissolved and syrup is slightly sticky and thickened.
Dip doughnuts in syrup and sprinkle with desiccated coconut.
Dip the doughnuts whilst lukewarm in a plate of white sugar
Dip cooled doughnuts in cold sugar syrup, make a slit length wise in doughnut, fill with strawberry jam and whipped fresh cream.
Bron: Cape Malay Cooking & Other Delights
500gr cake flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 packet instant yeast
1 egg
1 dessert spoon butter
pinch salt
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
750ml vegetable for frying
Dissolve sugar and butter in on cup boiling water. Cool down.
Add beaten egg, salt, vanilla essence and enough milk to make 1/2 litre liquid.
Combine flour and yeast in a mixing bowl. Add liquid and mix to a soft dough.
(The dough will be very soft)
Set aside covered until rise.
Divide dough into approx 25 small balls on a slightly oiled surface. Heat oil in large saucepan.
Once oil is hot gently pull each doughnut into an oblong shape and fry each side until browned. Drain on absorbent paper.
Boil together
500ml water and 250ml sugar until sugar has dissolved and syrup is slightly sticky and thickened.
Dip doughnuts in syrup and sprinkle with desiccated coconut.
Dip the doughnuts whilst lukewarm in a plate of white sugar
Dip cooled doughnuts in cold sugar syrup, make a slit length wise in doughnut, fill with strawberry jam and whipped fresh cream.
Bron: Cape Malay Cooking & Other Delights
Yes, this is the actual recipe!
You'll want to share this one or tag yourself to save it!
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons boiling water
1 teaspoon dry active yeast
8 ounces all-purpose flour ( a little under 2 cups, I recommend you measure and weigh. See my note above)
1 1/2 ounces sugar ( about 3 tablespoons)
1 egg
1 ounce butter, cold to room temperature
1 dash salt
1/3 cup butter
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
4 tablespoons hot water ( or as needed)
In a large measuring jug, combine the milk and boiling water. Add a teaspoon of the sugar and the yeast.
Stir it gently, then leave it in a warm place for the yeast to activate (aka foam).
In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, the rest of the sugar, and the salt.
Cut in the butter using your fingers or a pastry blender, until it resembles crumbs.
Add the egg (give it a quick beat) and yeast mixture to the flour mix, and mix into a smooth dough.
This usually takes about 5 minutes of mixing.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly-floured counter and knead for about 5 to 10 minutes—it should feel springy and little bubbles should form under the surface. Place it back in the bowl, cover with a cloth or plastic wrap, and let rise for about an hour until double in size.
Once risen, place the dough onto the counter and cut it into 4 pieces.
One piece at a time, stretch it into a long rope about an inch to an inch and a half wide.
Cut strips about an inch long, ball em up with your hands, and place them on a baking tray or wire rack to wait.
Cover the doughnuts holes with a cloth to rise while you heat the oil to 375°F.
Place the doughnuts into the oil and fry until golden brown on each side, about 2 minutes.
Be sure to fry only a few at a time so they don’t overcrowd and stick together.
Drain on a paper towel or wire rack over a cloth, before glazing them. Be sure to glaze them warm, or else they won’t get that delicious coverage!
Bron: Sara Green
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Yes, this is the actual recipe!
You'll want to share this one or tag yourself to save it!
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons boiling water
1 teaspoon dry active yeast
8 ounces all-purpose flour ( a little under 2 cups, I recommend you measure and weigh. See my note above)
1 1/2 ounces sugar ( about 3 tablespoons)
1 egg
1 ounce butter, cold to room temperature
1 dash salt
1/3 cup butter
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
4 tablespoons hot water ( or as needed)
In a large measuring jug, combine the milk and boiling water. Add a teaspoon of the sugar and the yeast.
Stir it gently, then leave it in a warm place for the yeast to activate (aka foam).
In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, the rest of the sugar, and the salt.
Cut in the butter using your fingers or a pastry blender, until it resembles crumbs.
Add the egg (give it a quick beat) and yeast mixture to the flour mix, and mix into a smooth dough.
This usually takes about 5 minutes of mixing.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly-floured counter and knead for about 5 to 10 minutes—it should feel springy and little bubbles should form under the surface. Place it back in the bowl, cover with a cloth or plastic wrap, and let rise for about an hour until double in size.
Once risen, place the dough onto the counter and cut it into 4 pieces.
One piece at a time, stretch it into a long rope about an inch to an inch and a half wide.
Cut strips about an inch long, ball em up with your hands, and place them on a baking tray or wire rack to wait.
Cover the doughnuts holes with a cloth to rise while you heat the oil to 375°F.
Place the doughnuts into the oil and fry until golden brown on each side, about 2 minutes.
Be sure to fry only a few at a time so they don’t overcrowd and stick together.
Drain on a paper towel or wire rack over a cloth, before glazing them. Be sure to glaze them warm, or else they won’t get that delicious coverage!
Bron: Sara Green
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Original recipe makes 18 doughnuts
2 tablespoons white vinegar
3 tablespoons of milk
2 tablespoons shortening
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 quart oil for deep frying
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar for dusting
Stir the vinegar into the milk, and let stand for a few minutes until thick.
In a medium bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar until smooth.
Beat in the egg and vanilla until well blended.
Sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt; stir into the sugar mixture alternating with the vinegar and milk.
Roll dough out on a floured surface to 1/3 inch thickness.
Cut into doughnuts using a donut cutter. Let stand for about 10 minutes.
Heat the oil in a large deep skillet to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Fry doughnuts in the hot oil until golden, turning over once.
Drain on paper towels.
Dust with confectioners' sugar while they are still warm, and serve immediately.
TIP: If you roll each doughnut quickly in flour before frying you'll get a nice, crispy exterior.
Bron: All
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Original recipe makes 18 doughnuts
2 tablespoons white vinegar
3 tablespoons of milk
2 tablespoons shortening
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 quart oil for deep frying
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar for dusting
Stir the vinegar into the milk, and let stand for a few minutes until thick.
In a medium bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar until smooth.
Beat in the egg and vanilla until well blended.
Sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt; stir into the sugar mixture alternating with the vinegar and milk.
Roll dough out on a floured surface to 1/3 inch thickness.
Cut into doughnuts using a donut cutter. Let stand for about 10 minutes.
Heat the oil in a large deep skillet to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Fry doughnuts in the hot oil until golden, turning over once.
Drain on paper towels.
Dust with confectioners' sugar while they are still warm, and serve immediately.
TIP: If you roll each doughnut quickly in flour before frying you'll get a nice, crispy exterior.
Bron: All
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Ingredients Doughnuts
2 tablespoons white vinegar
3 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons shortening (butter or margarine)
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 quart oil for deep frying
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar for dusting
1 cup of cinnamon and sugar mixture
1 cup melted semi sweet chocolate
1 container of sprinkles
Stir the vinegar into the milk, and let stand for a few minutes until thick.
In a medium bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar until smooth.
Beat in the egg and vanilla until well blended.
Sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt; stir into the sugar mixture alternating with the vinegar and milk.
Roll dough out on a floured surface to 1/3 inch thickness. Cut into doughnuts using a donut cutter. Let stand for about 10 minutes.
Heat the oil in a large deep skillet to 375°F (190° C). Fry doughnuts in the hot oil until golden, turning over once.
Drain on paper towels. Dust with confectioners' sugar or cinnamon and sugar while they are still warm, and serve immediately.
If dipping in chocolate, allow to cool and then dip doughnuts. Place on a wire rack to allow to drip and set up.
Bron: Onbekend
Ingredients Doughnuts
2 tablespoons white vinegar
3 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons shortening (butter or margarine)
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 quart oil for deep frying
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar for dusting
1 cup of cinnamon and sugar mixture
1 cup melted semi sweet chocolate
1 container of sprinkles
Stir the vinegar into the milk, and let stand for a few minutes until thick.
In a medium bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar until smooth.
Beat in the egg and vanilla until well blended.
Sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt; stir into the sugar mixture alternating with the vinegar and milk.
Roll dough out on a floured surface to 1/3 inch thickness. Cut into doughnuts using a donut cutter. Let stand for about 10 minutes.
Heat the oil in a large deep skillet to 375°F (190° C). Fry doughnuts in the hot oil until golden, turning over once.
Drain on paper towels. Dust with confectioners' sugar or cinnamon and sugar while they are still warm, and serve immediately.
If dipping in chocolate, allow to cool and then dip doughnuts. Place on a wire rack to allow to drip and set up.
Bron: Onbekend
1 Egg lightly beaten
½ cup of milk
2/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon oil
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 teaspoon salt
Combine Egg, milk, sugar and oil in a large bowl.
Sift the flour, cream of tarta, baking powder and salt into the egg mixture
Stil until well mixed
Carefully drop batter in holes of the cupcake maker
Bake till light brown
1/3 cup butter
½ cup dark chocolate chips
1 cup powdered sugar (Icing Sugar)
2-3 tablespoons hot water
Melt chocolate in microwave (not too much) and mix with other ingredients
Spoon over doughnuts and sprinkle with nuts
Bron: Booklet of Doughnutmaker
Photo : Henriette Wessels 25/05/2013
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
½ cup of milk
2/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon oil
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 teaspoon salt
Combine Egg, milk, sugar and oil in a large bowl.
Sift the flour, cream of tarta, baking powder and salt into the egg mixture
Stil until well mixed
Carefully drop batter in holes of the cupcake maker
Bake till light brown
1/3 cup butter
½ cup dark chocolate chips
1 cup powdered sugar (Icing Sugar)
2-3 tablespoons hot water
Melt chocolate in microwave (not too much) and mix with other ingredients
Spoon over doughnuts and sprinkle with nuts
Bron: Booklet of Doughnutmaker
Photo : Henriette Wessels 25/05/2013
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
1 cup cake flour (or all purpose)
2/3 cup cake mix (I used Funfetti)
1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter, melted
sprinkles (as desired)
Vanilla Glaze
3/4 cup powder sugar
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter, melted
pinch of salt
*Preheat oven to 325° F(160°C). Lightly spray doughnut pan with non stick spray, set aside. In a large bowl combine flour,cake mix, sugar, baking powder, salt. Mix in milk, eggs, vanilla extract, and butter gently mix until combine. Add sprinkles and mix. Fill pan 3/4 way full with a piping bag or spooning in (can use a a zip bag with a tiny hole cut at the corner to replace a piping bag). Bake for 8 - 11 mins or until the spring back when toched. Allow to cool a few minutes before removing from pan.
*For the glaze- In a small bowl combine powder sugar, milk, vanilla extract, butter, and salt. Mix until smooth and lump free. Drizzle on top of doughnuts and add more sprinkle (if desired).
Makes about 12 doughnuts
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
2/3 cup cake mix (I used Funfetti)
1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter, melted
sprinkles (as desired)
Vanilla Glaze
3/4 cup powder sugar
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter, melted
pinch of salt
*Preheat oven to 325° F(160°C). Lightly spray doughnut pan with non stick spray, set aside. In a large bowl combine flour,cake mix, sugar, baking powder, salt. Mix in milk, eggs, vanilla extract, and butter gently mix until combine. Add sprinkles and mix. Fill pan 3/4 way full with a piping bag or spooning in (can use a a zip bag with a tiny hole cut at the corner to replace a piping bag). Bake for 8 - 11 mins or until the spring back when toched. Allow to cool a few minutes before removing from pan.
*For the glaze- In a small bowl combine powder sugar, milk, vanilla extract, butter, and salt. Mix until smooth and lump free. Drizzle on top of doughnuts and add more sprinkle (if desired).
Makes about 12 doughnuts
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
300g (2 cups) self-raising flour
2/3 cup caster sugar, plus 1/2 cup extra to coat
80ml (1/3 cup) vegetable oil
1 large egg
175ml buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tsp good-quality strawberry jam
100g unsalted butter
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 180°C and grease a 6-hole muffin pan.
Sift the flour into a medium bowl, then add a pinch of salt and the caster sugar. In a jug, combine the vegetable oil, egg, buttermilk and vanilla extract. Add to the dry mixture and stir to only just combine. Place a spoonful of the mixture in each muffin hole and make an indent in the centre. Fill each indent with a generous 1/2 teaspoon of strawberry jam. Cover the jam with the remaining muffin mixture and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool slightly.
Meanwhile, melt the butter. Combine the extra sugar and the cinnamon in a large bowl. When the muffins are cool enough to handle, brush each muffin with the melted butter, then roll in the cinnamon sugar. Serve while still a little warm.
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
300g (2 cups) self-raising flour
2/3 cup caster sugar, plus 1/2 cup extra to coat
80ml (1/3 cup) vegetable oil
1 large egg
175ml buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tsp good-quality strawberry jam
100g unsalted butter
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 180°C and grease a 6-hole muffin pan.
Sift the flour into a medium bowl, then add a pinch of salt and the caster sugar. In a jug, combine the vegetable oil, egg, buttermilk and vanilla extract. Add to the dry mixture and stir to only just combine. Place a spoonful of the mixture in each muffin hole and make an indent in the centre. Fill each indent with a generous 1/2 teaspoon of strawberry jam. Cover the jam with the remaining muffin mixture and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool slightly.
Meanwhile, melt the butter. Combine the extra sugar and the cinnamon in a large bowl. When the muffins are cool enough to handle, brush each muffin with the melted butter, then roll in the cinnamon sugar. Serve while still a little warm.
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
1/2 Tbs. ground cinnamon
1 cup seedless berry jam
4 cups all-purpose flour
5 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
3 cups milk
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
About 5 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
In a small bowl, combine the confectioners' sugar and cinnamon. Transfer to a mesh sugar shaker. Fit a pastry bag with a plain round tip and fill with the jam. Set aside.
In a bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and brown sugar. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and vanilla. Whisk the egg mixture into the flour mixture until smooth.
Put 1/4 tsp. butter in each well of a filled-pancake pan. Set over medium heat and heat until the butter begins to bubble. Pour 2 Tbs. of the batter into each well. Cook until the bottoms are golden brown and crispy, 3 to 5 minutes. Using 2 wooden skewers, turn the pancakes over and cook until golden and crispy, about 3 minutes more. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with the remaining batter.
Using the tip of the pastry bag, pierce one side of each pancake and pipe jam into the center. Dust the pancakes with the confectioners' sugar mixture and serve immediately. Makes 55 pancakes.
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
1/2 Tbs. ground cinnamon
1 cup seedless berry jam
4 cups all-purpose flour
5 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
3 cups milk
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
About 5 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
In a small bowl, combine the confectioners' sugar and cinnamon. Transfer to a mesh sugar shaker. Fit a pastry bag with a plain round tip and fill with the jam. Set aside.
In a bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and brown sugar. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and vanilla. Whisk the egg mixture into the flour mixture until smooth.
Put 1/4 tsp. butter in each well of a filled-pancake pan. Set over medium heat and heat until the butter begins to bubble. Pour 2 Tbs. of the batter into each well. Cook until the bottoms are golden brown and crispy, 3 to 5 minutes. Using 2 wooden skewers, turn the pancakes over and cook until golden and crispy, about 3 minutes more. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with the remaining batter.
Using the tip of the pastry bag, pierce one side of each pancake and pipe jam into the center. Dust the pancakes with the confectioners' sugar mixture and serve immediately. Makes 55 pancakes.
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
Servings: 10
2 (7 g) packets dried yeast granules
1/4 cup warm water
1 cup warm milk
1/4 cup caster sugar
60 g butter, melted
2 eggs, lightly beaten
3 3/4 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 egg white, lighlty beaten
1/2 cup raspberry jam,
Directions: will also need, oil for deep-frying and extra castor sugar.
2.combine yeast, water milk and sugar in small bowl.
3.cover, stand in warm place about 10 minutes or until mixture is frothy.
4.stir butter and eggs into yeast mixture.
5.sift flour into large bowl, stir in yeast mixture and rind, mix to a soft dough.
6.cover, stand in warm place about 45 minutes or until dough has doubled in size.
7.turn dough onto lightly floured surface, knead dough about 5 minutes or until smooth.
8.roll dough until about 1cm thick,cut into 5cm rounds.
9. brush half the rounds with egg white, drop about 1 tsp of jam in centre of each round, top with remaining rounds, pinch edges
10. re-roll remaining dough, cut into rounds, repeat with remaining egg white and jam.
11. loosely cover rounds with oiled plastic wrap, stand in warm place about 10 minutes, or until almost doubled in size.
12. deep-fry doughnuts in batches in hot oil until well browned, turning once.
13. drain on absorbent paper, toss doughnuts immediately in extra sugar.
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
Servings: 10
2 (7 g) packets dried yeast granules
1/4 cup warm water
1 cup warm milk
1/4 cup caster sugar
60 g butter, melted
2 eggs, lightly beaten
3 3/4 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 egg white, lighlty beaten
1/2 cup raspberry jam,
Directions: will also need, oil for deep-frying and extra castor sugar.
2.combine yeast, water milk and sugar in small bowl.
3.cover, stand in warm place about 10 minutes or until mixture is frothy.
4.stir butter and eggs into yeast mixture.
5.sift flour into large bowl, stir in yeast mixture and rind, mix to a soft dough.
6.cover, stand in warm place about 45 minutes or until dough has doubled in size.
7.turn dough onto lightly floured surface, knead dough about 5 minutes or until smooth.
8.roll dough until about 1cm thick,cut into 5cm rounds.
9. brush half the rounds with egg white, drop about 1 tsp of jam in centre of each round, top with remaining rounds, pinch edges
10. re-roll remaining dough, cut into rounds, repeat with remaining egg white and jam.
11. loosely cover rounds with oiled plastic wrap, stand in warm place about 10 minutes, or until almost doubled in size.
12. deep-fry doughnuts in batches in hot oil until well browned, turning once.
13. drain on absorbent paper, toss doughnuts immediately in extra sugar.
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Tiana Botes
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
1/4 cup sugar
2 1/4 teaspoons instant yeast
3 cups all-purpose flour (Cake Flour)
1 large egg
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 cups vegetable oil for frying
1/4 cup milk
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Whisk together the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, combine the egg, milk, butter, and vanilla and stir into the flour mixture, mixing until well combined. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes, then knead for 6 to 8 minutes by hand or mixer until you have a smooth, soft dough. Place the dough in a buttered bowl, turn it over to grease the top, and let it rise, covered, in a warm place for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until doubled in bulk.
Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Gently roll the dough out to 1/4-inch thickness and cut with a round cutter. Cover loosely with greased plastic wrap and let rise again for about 1 hour, until doubled again.
Place oil or shortening in a heavy pan or deep skillet and heat to 180 C. Place the doughnuts in the oil, two or three at a time, and fry until golden brown. Turn over and cook the second side. This should take no more than a minute for each side. Overcooking will make the doughnuts tough. Drain on paper towels.
To make glaze, stir the milk into the confectioners' sugar until it is smooth, then add the vanilla. When the doughnuts are cool enough to handle (but still warm), dip the tops of the doughnuts in the glaze, then place on a rack or plate to let the glaze drip down.
Bron : thibeaultstable
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
1/4 cup sugar
2 1/4 teaspoons instant yeast
3 cups all-purpose flour (Cake Flour)
1 large egg
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 cups vegetable oil for frying
1/4 cup milk
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Whisk together the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, combine the egg, milk, butter, and vanilla and stir into the flour mixture, mixing until well combined. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes, then knead for 6 to 8 minutes by hand or mixer until you have a smooth, soft dough. Place the dough in a buttered bowl, turn it over to grease the top, and let it rise, covered, in a warm place for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until doubled in bulk.
Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Gently roll the dough out to 1/4-inch thickness and cut with a round cutter. Cover loosely with greased plastic wrap and let rise again for about 1 hour, until doubled again.
Place oil or shortening in a heavy pan or deep skillet and heat to 180 C. Place the doughnuts in the oil, two or three at a time, and fry until golden brown. Turn over and cook the second side. This should take no more than a minute for each side. Overcooking will make the doughnuts tough. Drain on paper towels.
To make glaze, stir the milk into the confectioners' sugar until it is smooth, then add the vanilla. When the doughnuts are cool enough to handle (but still warm), dip the tops of the doughnuts in the glaze, then place on a rack or plate to let the glaze drip down.
Bron : thibeaultstable
Plasing: Henriette Wessels / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK