Gooi al die droë bestanddele vir dekadente sjokolade-brownies of gesonde
ontbyt-muffins laag op laag in ’n fles en sit die resep daarby. Dis ’n goeie
geskenk vir iemand wat graag bak, maar nie baie tyd het nie.
Dekadente sjokolade-brownies
Sif 310 ml koekmeel, 5 ml
bakpoeier en 2 ml sout saam. Gooi in ’n fles met lae van die volgende: 165 ml
kakaopoeier, 250 ml bruinsuiker, 200 ml witsuiker, 125 ml grofgekapte pekanneute
en 125 ml witsjokolade-splinters.
Skryf op ’n kaartjie Gooi die inhoud van die fles in ’n
mengbak. Verhit die oond tot 180 ˚C. Smelt 250 ml botter, laat afkoel en klits
vier groot eiers by. Roer by die droë bestanddele. Gooi in ’n gesmeerde en
gevoerde koekpan van 30 x 20 cm. Bak vir 25 minute en laat heeltemal afkoel. Sny
in blokkies.
Gesonde ontbyt-muffins
Sif 375 ml koekmeel, 10 ml
bakpoeier, 1 ml koeksoda en 1 ml sout saam. Gooi in ’n fles met lae van die
volgende: 250 ml gougaar hawermout, 125 ml bruinsuiker, 250 ml gekapte gemengde
droëvrugte, byvoorbeeld pynappel, goji-bessies, kersies of nektariens, en 60 ml
gemengde neute en sade.
Skryf op ’n kaartjie Verhit die oond tot 200 ˚C. Gooi die
inhoud van die fles in ’n mengbak. Klop 65 ml gesmelte botter, 250 ml melk of
jogurt en een groot eier saam en roer by die droë bestanddele. Skep in gesmeerde
en gevoerde muffinpanne en bak vir 20 tot 25 minute tot gaar.
Verpak dit so Tik of skryf die naam van die mengsel op ’n
klein papier-doilie. Plak die doilie op die fles vas en bind ’n lint daarom vas.
Tik of skryf die resep op ’n kaartjie en pons ’n gaatjie daarin. Sit ’n
metaalogie in as jy ’n metaalogietang het. Ryg ’n stuk tou of lint deur en knoop
aan die fles vas.
Bron: Idees / Kos en Onthaal
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
ontbyt-muffins laag op laag in ’n fles en sit die resep daarby. Dis ’n goeie
geskenk vir iemand wat graag bak, maar nie baie tyd het nie.
Dekadente sjokolade-brownies
Sif 310 ml koekmeel, 5 ml
bakpoeier en 2 ml sout saam. Gooi in ’n fles met lae van die volgende: 165 ml
kakaopoeier, 250 ml bruinsuiker, 200 ml witsuiker, 125 ml grofgekapte pekanneute
en 125 ml witsjokolade-splinters.
Skryf op ’n kaartjie Gooi die inhoud van die fles in ’n
mengbak. Verhit die oond tot 180 ˚C. Smelt 250 ml botter, laat afkoel en klits
vier groot eiers by. Roer by die droë bestanddele. Gooi in ’n gesmeerde en
gevoerde koekpan van 30 x 20 cm. Bak vir 25 minute en laat heeltemal afkoel. Sny
in blokkies.
Gesonde ontbyt-muffins
Sif 375 ml koekmeel, 10 ml
bakpoeier, 1 ml koeksoda en 1 ml sout saam. Gooi in ’n fles met lae van die
volgende: 250 ml gougaar hawermout, 125 ml bruinsuiker, 250 ml gekapte gemengde
droëvrugte, byvoorbeeld pynappel, goji-bessies, kersies of nektariens, en 60 ml
gemengde neute en sade.
Skryf op ’n kaartjie Verhit die oond tot 200 ˚C. Gooi die
inhoud van die fles in ’n mengbak. Klop 65 ml gesmelte botter, 250 ml melk of
jogurt en een groot eier saam en roer by die droë bestanddele. Skep in gesmeerde
en gevoerde muffinpanne en bak vir 20 tot 25 minute tot gaar.
Verpak dit so Tik of skryf die naam van die mengsel op ’n
klein papier-doilie. Plak die doilie op die fles vas en bind ’n lint daarom vas.
Tik of skryf die resep op ’n kaartjie en pons ’n gaatjie daarin. Sit ’n
metaalogie in as jy ’n metaalogietang het. Ryg ’n stuk tou of lint deur en knoop
aan die fles vas.
Bron: Idees / Kos en Onthaal
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
½ k (125 ml) Engelse sout
½ k (125 ml) seesout
1 eetl. (15 ml)
½ t (2.5 ml) kaneel
1 t (5 ml) vanielje-ekstrak
1 t (5
ml) olyf- of amandelolie
Meng die twee soorte sout, kakao en kaneel deeglik saam. Voeg die vanielje en
olie by en roer totdat dit behoorlik deurgemeng is.
Plaas in ‘n mooi
lugdigte glashouer.
½ k (125 ml) bruinsuiker
¼ k (60 ml) hawermout
25 ml kakao
25 ml heuning
25 ml gliserien
25 ml olyf- of amandelolie
Maak die hawermout poeierfyn in ‘n voedselverwerker. Indien jy, of jou ma, nie van te ‘n growwe skrop hou nie kan jy die bruinsuiker byvoeg en dit ook fyner maak.
Meng eers die kakao daarby, voordat jy die res van die bestanddele byvoeg.
Indien nodig kan jy nog olie of gliserien byvoeg om die mengsel meer smeerbaar te maak.
Bewaar in ‘n lugdigte houer.
Bron: Jou wêreld
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
½ k (125 ml) Engelse sout
½ k (125 ml) seesout
1 eetl. (15 ml)
½ t (2.5 ml) kaneel
1 t (5 ml) vanielje-ekstrak
1 t (5
ml) olyf- of amandelolie
Meng die twee soorte sout, kakao en kaneel deeglik saam. Voeg die vanielje en
olie by en roer totdat dit behoorlik deurgemeng is.
Plaas in ‘n mooi
lugdigte glashouer.
½ k (125 ml) bruinsuiker
¼ k (60 ml) hawermout
25 ml kakao
25 ml heuning
25 ml gliserien
25 ml olyf- of amandelolie
Maak die hawermout poeierfyn in ‘n voedselverwerker. Indien jy, of jou ma, nie van te ‘n growwe skrop hou nie kan jy die bruinsuiker byvoeg en dit ook fyner maak.
Meng eers die kakao daarby, voordat jy die res van die bestanddele byvoeg.
Indien nodig kan jy nog olie of gliserien byvoeg om die mengsel meer smeerbaar te maak.
Bewaar in ‘n lugdigte houer.
Bron: Jou wêreld
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
60 ml growwe sout
30 ml koljandersaad
15 ml gedroogde oreganum
15 ml swartpeperkorrels
15 ml mosterdpoeier
15 ml paprika (gerookte paprika indien verkrygbaar)
Die sout kan in ‘n voedselverwerker of koffiemaler gemaak word.
Verwerk eers die koljander, oreganum en swartpeper tot fyn en voeg dan die sout by.
Verwerk weer tot alles fyn is. Gooi uit in ‘n bakkie en voeg die mosterd en paprika by.
Meng alles deeglik en skep in ‘n bakkie of spesery-shaker.
Branderige tamatieblatjang
4 tamaties (ongeveer 450 g)
1 groot appel (ongeveer 200 g)
1 ui (ongeveer
100 g)
125 ml suiker
250 ml witwyn- rooiwyn- of moutasyn, of ‘n mengsel
15 ml vars, gerasperde gemmer
5 ml mosterdpoeier of 10 ml mosterdsaad
10 ml koljandersade
2 rooi rissies, fyngekap
Sny ‘n kruis in die bo- en onderkant van elke tamatie. Gooi pasgekookte water oor en laat vir 2 minute staan.
Spoel vinnig onder lopende koue water af.
Verwyder die skille en sny in blokkies.
Skil die appel en sny in klein blokkies van ongeveer ‘n halfsentimeter.
Kap die ui in klein blokkies.
Braai die tamatie, appel en ui in ‘n klein bietjie olie totdat dit baie warm
is – dit moet egter nie brand of verbruin nie.
Verwyder ‘n oomblik van die hitte en voeg die suiker by.
Roer totdat die suiker opgelos is.
Plaas terug op die hitte en voeg die asyn by. Voeg ook die gemmer, mosterd, koljander en gekapte rissies by.
Bring tot kookpunt en laat vinnig, borrelend kook vir minstens 30 minute.
Hou dit dan dop terwyl dit nog tot 15 minute kook. Daar moet geen vloeistof agterbly nie.
Kook water in die ketel, plaas die glashouers waarin jy dit wil sit in ‘n hittevaste bak en gooi die kookwater oor.
Hierdie metode is nie voldoende om glashouers te steriliseer vir die lang duur, maar aangesien mens so min blatjang maak, dit in die yskas kan hou en vinnig opgebruik, is dit net reg.
100 ml geel mosterdsaad
50 ml suiker
5 ml koljandersade
5 ml swartpeperkorrels
2.5 ml fyn gemmer (opsioneel)
2.5 ml borrie (opsioneel)
125 ml appelasyn
50 ml sjerrie
125 ml blatjang
10 ml Worcestershiresous
Hierdie marinade word in die voedselverwerker gemaak.
Die heel mosterdsaad word saam met die ander bestanddele verwerk tot glad.
Begin deur die mosterdsaad, suiker en ander droë geurmiddels te verwerk tot fyn.
Voeg die asyn by en verwerk tot goed gemeng en glad. Voeg dan die sjerrie, blatjang en
Worcestershiresous by en verwerk weer tot deeglik gemeng.
Skep in glasbottels of ander houers uit.
Dié marinade kan gebruik word vir hoender, vark en beesvleis.
Marineer die vleis vir ‘n halfuur daarin voordat dit gebraai word, of as jy min tyd het kan jy net die vleis met die marinade smeer terwyl dit braai.
Bron: Jou wêreld
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
60 ml growwe sout
30 ml koljandersaad
15 ml gedroogde oreganum
15 ml swartpeperkorrels
15 ml mosterdpoeier
15 ml paprika (gerookte paprika indien verkrygbaar)
Die sout kan in ‘n voedselverwerker of koffiemaler gemaak word.
Verwerk eers die koljander, oreganum en swartpeper tot fyn en voeg dan die sout by.
Verwerk weer tot alles fyn is. Gooi uit in ‘n bakkie en voeg die mosterd en paprika by.
Meng alles deeglik en skep in ‘n bakkie of spesery-shaker.
Branderige tamatieblatjang
4 tamaties (ongeveer 450 g)
1 groot appel (ongeveer 200 g)
1 ui (ongeveer
100 g)
125 ml suiker
250 ml witwyn- rooiwyn- of moutasyn, of ‘n mengsel
15 ml vars, gerasperde gemmer
5 ml mosterdpoeier of 10 ml mosterdsaad
10 ml koljandersade
2 rooi rissies, fyngekap
Sny ‘n kruis in die bo- en onderkant van elke tamatie. Gooi pasgekookte water oor en laat vir 2 minute staan.
Spoel vinnig onder lopende koue water af.
Verwyder die skille en sny in blokkies.
Skil die appel en sny in klein blokkies van ongeveer ‘n halfsentimeter.
Kap die ui in klein blokkies.
Braai die tamatie, appel en ui in ‘n klein bietjie olie totdat dit baie warm
is – dit moet egter nie brand of verbruin nie.
Verwyder ‘n oomblik van die hitte en voeg die suiker by.
Roer totdat die suiker opgelos is.
Plaas terug op die hitte en voeg die asyn by. Voeg ook die gemmer, mosterd, koljander en gekapte rissies by.
Bring tot kookpunt en laat vinnig, borrelend kook vir minstens 30 minute.
Hou dit dan dop terwyl dit nog tot 15 minute kook. Daar moet geen vloeistof agterbly nie.
Kook water in die ketel, plaas die glashouers waarin jy dit wil sit in ‘n hittevaste bak en gooi die kookwater oor.
Hierdie metode is nie voldoende om glashouers te steriliseer vir die lang duur, maar aangesien mens so min blatjang maak, dit in die yskas kan hou en vinnig opgebruik, is dit net reg.
100 ml geel mosterdsaad
50 ml suiker
5 ml koljandersade
5 ml swartpeperkorrels
2.5 ml fyn gemmer (opsioneel)
2.5 ml borrie (opsioneel)
125 ml appelasyn
50 ml sjerrie
125 ml blatjang
10 ml Worcestershiresous
Hierdie marinade word in die voedselverwerker gemaak.
Die heel mosterdsaad word saam met die ander bestanddele verwerk tot glad.
Begin deur die mosterdsaad, suiker en ander droë geurmiddels te verwerk tot fyn.
Voeg die asyn by en verwerk tot goed gemeng en glad. Voeg dan die sjerrie, blatjang en
Worcestershiresous by en verwerk weer tot deeglik gemeng.
Skep in glasbottels of ander houers uit.
Dié marinade kan gebruik word vir hoender, vark en beesvleis.
Marineer die vleis vir ‘n halfuur daarin voordat dit gebraai word, of as jy min tyd het kan jy net die vleis met die marinade smeer terwyl dit braai.
Bron: Jou wêreld
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
Bake chocolate cupcakes
Body - cupcake
Head - Cupcake
Eyes - Chocolate Balls
Arms & Feet - Oreos
Mouth - Liquorice
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Vanessa Fourie Willemse / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Bake chocolate cupcakes
Body - cupcake
Head - Cupcake
Eyes - Chocolate Balls
Arms & Feet - Oreos
Mouth - Liquorice
Bron: Onbekend
Plasing: Vanessa Fourie Willemse / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Smartie or M & M
Eyes made of Fondant
Melting chocolate
Lovely for the Chirstmas Table
Smartie or M & M
Eyes made of Fondant
Melting chocolate
Lovely for the Chirstmas Table
What a cute idea for the Christmas table
Use Cream cheese for the "sock"
Bron: Unknown
Plasing: Vanessa Fourie Willemse / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
What a cute idea for the Christmas table
Use Cream cheese for the "sock"
Bron: Unknown
Plasing: Vanessa Fourie Willemse / WATERTAND RESEPTE VIR OUD EN JONK
Step 1: Cut milk carton and fold it in half lengthwise.
Step 2: Make a hard boiled egg.
Step 3: While the egg is still warm, peel the egg and put the egg on the milk carton, place a chopstick on the center of the egg, and put rubber bands on the both ends.
Step 4: Leave it for about 10 minutes. (Keep the egg in the fridge if it’s summer time.)
Step 5: Take the chopstick off and cut the egg in half.
Bron: Annathered
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
Step 2: Make a hard boiled egg.
Step 3: While the egg is still warm, peel the egg and put the egg on the milk carton, place a chopstick on the center of the egg, and put rubber bands on the both ends.
Step 4: Leave it for about 10 minutes. (Keep the egg in the fridge if it’s summer time.)
Step 5: Take the chopstick off and cut the egg in half.
Bron: Annathered
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
bacon (thick or thin sliced)
'bouquet' of fake flowers
regular or mini muffin pan
cupcake papers
Preheat oven to 375*.
After placing 2 muffin papers in each muffin cup (I made 6 flowers with 1/2# bacon and had a few pieces of bacon left over)...
1 - remove flowers from stems
(I suggest swishing the green part in soapy water, then rinsing and drying before adding flowers)
2 - on clean surface, roll two slices of bacon (just as they lay in the higher than the other - the 'higher' piece being on the outside of the roll)
3 - place them, fat side down, into the muffin cup.
4 - After baking for about 35+ minutes, I removed them from the papers with a fork, placing the grease and papers into a disposable container to throw out.
5 - Place the roses on paper towels on a plate and if needed, microwave a couple of minutes longer to get a crisper end result. (That helps draw out the fat too.)
When cool, just place roses on stems
Or you can leave the fake flower bouquet and just use the pretty roses with a breakfast!
Bron: The Better Baker
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
bacon (thick or thin sliced)
'bouquet' of fake flowers
regular or mini muffin pan
cupcake papers
Preheat oven to 375*.
After placing 2 muffin papers in each muffin cup (I made 6 flowers with 1/2# bacon and had a few pieces of bacon left over)...
1 - remove flowers from stems
(I suggest swishing the green part in soapy water, then rinsing and drying before adding flowers)
2 - on clean surface, roll two slices of bacon (just as they lay in the higher than the other - the 'higher' piece being on the outside of the roll)
3 - place them, fat side down, into the muffin cup.
4 - After baking for about 35+ minutes, I removed them from the papers with a fork, placing the grease and papers into a disposable container to throw out.
5 - Place the roses on paper towels on a plate and if needed, microwave a couple of minutes longer to get a crisper end result. (That helps draw out the fat too.)
When cool, just place roses on stems
Or you can leave the fake flower bouquet and just use the pretty roses with a breakfast!
Bron: The Better Baker
Plasing: Henriette Wessels
Ek sal my pizza voortaan so maak...dit maak hom sommer "spoggerig" !
Dis nou 'n oulike idee. As jy wil lollies maak met verskillende kleure (sien ons roomys afdeling) gebruik leë joghurt houertjies daarvoor!
Hoe oulik en maklik is dit nie?
Gebruik versiersuiker of kakao om jou eetgoed met pragtige patrone te versier.
# Knip die vorm wat jy wil gebruik uit transparantvelle.
# ’n Koekiedrukker wat met kleefplastiek bedek is, werk baie goed.
# Jy kan ook sommer ’n mooi doilie gebruik.
# Gebruik ’n klein siffie en sif bietjies op ’n slag oor die nagereg of koek. Dit help as iemand die stensil vashou terwyl jy sif.
# Versier eers die koek en nagereg op ’n werkvlak voor jy dit op die dienbord sit. Andersins kan dit baie mors.
BRON:Vickie de Beer
# Knip die vorm wat jy wil gebruik uit transparantvelle.
# ’n Koekiedrukker wat met kleefplastiek bedek is, werk baie goed.
# Jy kan ook sommer ’n mooi doilie gebruik.
# Gebruik ’n klein siffie en sif bietjies op ’n slag oor die nagereg of koek. Dit help as iemand die stensil vashou terwyl jy sif.
# Versier eers die koek en nagereg op ’n werkvlak voor jy dit op die dienbord sit. Andersins kan dit baie mors.
BRON:Vickie de Beer
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Tea Pot Cake
How-To Impress your guests with this 3-D tea pot cake made from a ball shaped baking pan. Step-by-step instructions make this cake easy to execute and a perfect dessert for your next tea party.
You Will Need (2) 1/2 Ball Cakes
Mary's Meringue Buttercream (See Recipe Section)
(1) 3" Round Cardboard Circle
(1) 4" Round x 1" Thick Styrofoam
(1) Bamboo Skewer
Hot Glue Gun
1/2 Sheet Tray Covered In Parchment
Start by tinting 1 lb. of fondant with blue paste and a touch of yellow to create a light aqua blue. Next, tint 1/4 of the gumpaste aqua to match the fondant, 1/8 dark pink, 1/8 green and leave the remaining gumpaste white. Keep everything wrapped in plastic and set aside.
Center the styrofoam circle in the middle of the silver drum and glue into place. Then glue the 3" round cardboard centered on top
Next, create the tea pot base by using a cake knife to shave and angle the styrofoam, starting at the cardboad circle and ending at the bottom of the stryrofoam circle. Set this aside.
On a 1/4 sheet tray covered with parchment, trace a 6" circle in pencil. (This will be the rough size of the iced cake, so it will give you a layout for making the spout and handle)
Divide the aqua gumpaste into 4 equal parts. Use 1/4 of the paste to create the handle. Start by rolling it into a thin log and then use your finger to flatten both ends.
Tap powdered sugar on the edges of the traced circle and then place the handle on the tray. Create your desired handle shape and then line the edges up with the curve of the circle. This will ensure that the handle attaches easily to the curved edge of the cake.
Next, dip two toothpicks in water and insert them halfway into the ends of the handle. Make sure that both toothpicks are perfectly parallel.
Next, knead 2 of the gumpaste portions together to create the spout. Start by forming a cone and then taper the cone and flatten it on both ends.
Curve the gumpaste to resemble a spout and then place on the other side of the traced circle to dry. Once again, make sure that the end that will be attached to the cake is curved to match the curve of the circle so that the spout matches up when attached to the cake.
Roll the remaining portion of aqua gumpaste into a thin layer. Cut out a 3 1/2" circle, using a craft knife and place on the tray to dry. Set aside the entire tray to dry for the next two days.
To make the simple roses: Roll some pink gumpaste very thinly on a lightly powdered surface and use the 5 petal cutter to cut out a blossom. Start by intertwining the 1st and 3rd petals to create a bud. Then wrap the 2nd petal around the bud. Repeat with the remaining petals until you have a simple bud. (You may need a dab of water to get the petals to stick if your gumpaste is dry). Create mutiple roses for the tea pot of different sizes using the various 5 petal cutters. Make one rose with more petals for the top of the pot by attaching extra petals to the outside. Set these on the same tray to dry.
Remove the cakes from the fridge and trim the top of each ball cake to create a 2 1/2" diameter flat spot.
Smear some icing on the stryofoam base and place 1/2 ball on top. Smear icing between and place the other 1/2 ball on top.
Ice the cake and refrigerate until the icing is firm, about 30 minutes. Remove from the fridge, and with clean hands, lightly rub the exterior of the fondant to remove any bumps in the icing. This will create a smooth surface for fondant rolling. Place back in the fridge.
On a surface covered lightly with powdered sugar, roll the fondant 1/8" thick. Drape over the cake and immediately gather the excess fondant on opposite sides of the cake, while simultaneously rubbing the fondant onto the ball to adhere.
Use scissors to trim the excess fondant down to 1" or so. Then use a paintbrush dipped in water to lightly brush the inside of the seam. Close the fondant back together and gently pinch the excess with you fingers to adhere together.
Retrim the excess closer to the edge of the cake and then smooth the seam with your finger to create a finished look.
Use water to adhere strips of colored gumpaste to the board if desired. Trimming around the tea pot as necesary.
To attach the spout: Lift the spout and position it against the cake to figure out what angle the skewer should go in at, in order to both pierce the styrofoam and also hold the spout in place. Trim the skewer if necessary and then tap through the cake and into the styrofoam base.
Melt a handful of candy coating discs in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir until completely melted. Using a dry paintbrush, dab some melted coating on the bottom of the spout and pierce with the skewer while adhering to the edge of the cake. Hold in place for a few seconds for the coating to dry.
Repeat process with the handle.
Use a little coating to adhere the aqua disc to the top of the pot. Next, use some excess aqua fondant to make a bulbous lid in whatever design you like and attach with more coating. Attach the large rose to the top to finish.
Roll green gumpaste into various thin ropes and attach them to the front of the tea pot using a very light coating of water to adhere.
Attach roses at the end of the vines with some melted candy coating.
Roll some green gumpaste thinly and cut out leaves using the leaf cutter. Attach them using a touch of water.
Pipe royal icing dots to fill in blank space around the flowers and at the edge of the lid and the base.
Bron: Onbekend
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Tea Pot Cake
How-To Impress your guests with this 3-D tea pot cake made from a ball shaped baking pan. Step-by-step instructions make this cake easy to execute and a perfect dessert for your next tea party.
You Will Need (2) 1/2 Ball Cakes
Mary's Meringue Buttercream (See Recipe Section)
(1) 3" Round Cardboard Circle
(1) 4" Round x 1" Thick Styrofoam
(1) Bamboo Skewer
Hot Glue Gun
1/2 Sheet Tray Covered In Parchment
Start by tinting 1 lb. of fondant with blue paste and a touch of yellow to create a light aqua blue. Next, tint 1/4 of the gumpaste aqua to match the fondant, 1/8 dark pink, 1/8 green and leave the remaining gumpaste white. Keep everything wrapped in plastic and set aside.
Center the styrofoam circle in the middle of the silver drum and glue into place. Then glue the 3" round cardboard centered on top
Next, create the tea pot base by using a cake knife to shave and angle the styrofoam, starting at the cardboad circle and ending at the bottom of the stryrofoam circle. Set this aside.
On a 1/4 sheet tray covered with parchment, trace a 6" circle in pencil. (This will be the rough size of the iced cake, so it will give you a layout for making the spout and handle)
Divide the aqua gumpaste into 4 equal parts. Use 1/4 of the paste to create the handle. Start by rolling it into a thin log and then use your finger to flatten both ends.
Tap powdered sugar on the edges of the traced circle and then place the handle on the tray. Create your desired handle shape and then line the edges up with the curve of the circle. This will ensure that the handle attaches easily to the curved edge of the cake.
Next, dip two toothpicks in water and insert them halfway into the ends of the handle. Make sure that both toothpicks are perfectly parallel.
Next, knead 2 of the gumpaste portions together to create the spout. Start by forming a cone and then taper the cone and flatten it on both ends.
Curve the gumpaste to resemble a spout and then place on the other side of the traced circle to dry. Once again, make sure that the end that will be attached to the cake is curved to match the curve of the circle so that the spout matches up when attached to the cake.
Roll the remaining portion of aqua gumpaste into a thin layer. Cut out a 3 1/2" circle, using a craft knife and place on the tray to dry. Set aside the entire tray to dry for the next two days.
To make the simple roses: Roll some pink gumpaste very thinly on a lightly powdered surface and use the 5 petal cutter to cut out a blossom. Start by intertwining the 1st and 3rd petals to create a bud. Then wrap the 2nd petal around the bud. Repeat with the remaining petals until you have a simple bud. (You may need a dab of water to get the petals to stick if your gumpaste is dry). Create mutiple roses for the tea pot of different sizes using the various 5 petal cutters. Make one rose with more petals for the top of the pot by attaching extra petals to the outside. Set these on the same tray to dry.
Remove the cakes from the fridge and trim the top of each ball cake to create a 2 1/2" diameter flat spot.
Smear some icing on the stryofoam base and place 1/2 ball on top. Smear icing between and place the other 1/2 ball on top.
Ice the cake and refrigerate until the icing is firm, about 30 minutes. Remove from the fridge, and with clean hands, lightly rub the exterior of the fondant to remove any bumps in the icing. This will create a smooth surface for fondant rolling. Place back in the fridge.
On a surface covered lightly with powdered sugar, roll the fondant 1/8" thick. Drape over the cake and immediately gather the excess fondant on opposite sides of the cake, while simultaneously rubbing the fondant onto the ball to adhere.
Use scissors to trim the excess fondant down to 1" or so. Then use a paintbrush dipped in water to lightly brush the inside of the seam. Close the fondant back together and gently pinch the excess with you fingers to adhere together.
Retrim the excess closer to the edge of the cake and then smooth the seam with your finger to create a finished look.
Use water to adhere strips of colored gumpaste to the board if desired. Trimming around the tea pot as necesary.
To attach the spout: Lift the spout and position it against the cake to figure out what angle the skewer should go in at, in order to both pierce the styrofoam and also hold the spout in place. Trim the skewer if necessary and then tap through the cake and into the styrofoam base.
Melt a handful of candy coating discs in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir until completely melted. Using a dry paintbrush, dab some melted coating on the bottom of the spout and pierce with the skewer while adhering to the edge of the cake. Hold in place for a few seconds for the coating to dry.
Repeat process with the handle.
Use a little coating to adhere the aqua disc to the top of the pot. Next, use some excess aqua fondant to make a bulbous lid in whatever design you like and attach with more coating. Attach the large rose to the top to finish.
Roll green gumpaste into various thin ropes and attach them to the front of the tea pot using a very light coating of water to adhere.
Attach roses at the end of the vines with some melted candy coating.
Roll some green gumpaste thinly and cut out leaves using the leaf cutter. Attach them using a touch of water.
Pipe royal icing dots to fill in blank space around the flowers and at the edge of the lid and the base.
Bron: Onbekend